Project Update | March 10, 2025
Phase 9 work is anticipated to begin on or around Monday March 17, 2025, and will take place along 48th St. between Q St. and U St. 48th St. will be closed to through traffic from Harrison St. to Q St. until approximately late-December. Please see the Phase 9 Notification Letter under the Community Engagement section.
48th Street Improvements
This project is to replace aging and deteriorating pavement, address access management needs, enhance pedestrian facilities, and improve the transportation facility operations, safety and mobility of the traveling public on both the Q Street and 48th Street corridors.
Project Features
- Reconstruct 48th Street
- Hybrid 2-lane and 3-lane urban section
- Curb and gutter
- Storm sewer
- Retaining walls
- Sidewalks
- Roundabouts
- Spring/Summer 2020: Preliminary Design Work
- Traffic and Environmental Analyses
- Preliminary Engineering Design
- 2020 - 2023: Final Design Activities
- Final Engineering Design
- Right-of-Way Acquisition
- Project Letting & Bidding
- Utility Relocation
- 2024 - 2025: Construction Activities
- Utility Relocation
- Construction Preparation
- Construction Begins

Construction Phasing
48th Street and Q Street will be constructed in segmented closures. Phases shown below will have sub-phases to maintain local access to neighborhoods and homes during construction. The phasing for this project has been updated from previous plans. Construction is now in Phase 9 and expected to begin at Q Street and move south toward the BNSF railroad tracks. The phases will proceed in the following order: Phase 9, Phase 8, Phase 7, and finally, Phase 10.
Construction Phases 1, 2 & 3 | Complete
- Phase 1: Q Street closed between 48th Street and 46th Street.
- Phase 2: Q Street closed from 46th Street to 45th Street. Includes construction of 46th Street intersection.
- Phase 3: Q Street closed from 45th Street to 44th Street. Includes construction of the 45th Street intersection.

Construction Phases 4, 5 & 6 | Complete
- Phase 4: 48th Street northbound and southbound thru traffic maintained. Q Street closed between 48th Avenue and 48th Street and 49th Street to 46th Avenue.
- Phase 5: Construction of Q Street roundabout. Currently evaluating a short-term closure of 4th and Q intersection in this phase.
- Phase 6: 48th Street closed to construct the north and south legs of Q Street roundabout. Q Street opened to eastbound and westbound thru traffic

Construction Phase 9 | 2025
48th Street closed between U Street and Q Street.

Construction Phase 8 | 2025
48th Street closed between Y Street and U Street. Includes construction of the Y Street roundabout and U Street intersection.

Construction Phase 7 | 2025
48th Street closed between the BNSF Railroad crossing and Y Street. Includes construction of Blood Creek culvert improvements.

Construction Phase 10 | 2026
48th Street closed between Harrison Street and the BNSF Railroad crossing. Includes construction of the Madison Street cul-de-sac.

Document Library
Reports & Studies
Community Engagement
Contact the Project Team
Project Contacts
Stephen Edloff
Project Manager, Public Works
City of Omaha